Smart Home Automation Design & Installation

The term “Smart” covers a huge umbrella of technology and can be quite a tough thing to define, broadly speaking we categorise smart technology as something that has the ability to form part of a wider group of products with network connectivity. The idea of “Smart Homes” is not a new one, we have seen variations of them in TV programmes & films since the 1970’s and in fact IBM began introducing products for “Smarter Homes” in 1998.

In our opinion “Smart Homes” should improve your quality of life by maximising your homes efficiency and enhancing your enjoyment of it. The breadth of things that can be done via Smart Home Integration is almost limitless; control your lights, heating, music, security, swimming pool’s, blinds, TV’s, Home Cinema and even your oven with the touch of a button on your phone, touch pad or verbal command.

Whilst some smart home projects cost lots of money and involve huge amounts of tech to create houses so insanely clever that you feel like you have wandered on to the set of a Star Trek movie, they don’t have to be like that. You can use basic Smart Lighting to ensure you can carry your shopping in from the car without tripping over the cat or use Smart Heating Thermostats to turn the heating on 30 minutes before you get home in the winter so you don’t have to shiver for half an hour once you get in. Ultimately Smart Homes are designed to work for you and make your home a better place to be.

What are you looking to achieve?


Basically Smart

We take on all sorts of Smart Integration Projects for our customers starting from basic Amazon Alexa or Google Home Options, these can be low-cost yet highly-effective solutions to solve some of the everyday annoyances or give you a little wow factor to impress the kids, neighbours, friends and most importantly yourselves.

They don’t have to cost the earth but can be simple, effective and very easy to retro-fit.

We appreciate that this is a very complicated and dynamically changeable field and that it can be a real minefield to even work out what you want to do, so please feel free to get in touch for some advice, its totally free and we don’t expect anything in return!


Super Smart

For those of you who are looking for a more comprehensive Smart Home System, we are able to design and deliver infinitely scalable systems for any size of project.

We specliase in a range Home Automation Systems which are extremely reliable, can be remotely managed/maintained and above all offer the user an intuitive simple interface designed to draw all of the facets of your dream home into one easy to use interface.

As we said above we appreciate that this field is complex and changing dynamically, it can be very difficult to even work out what you want to do or what’s possible, so please feel free to get in touch for some advice, its totally free and we don’t expect anything in return!